Is Balding Inevitable?

This question has been asked by many, many people over the years, both men and women.

The answer for many seems to be 'yes', but this does need need to be the case for everyone. Science can actually get some things right.

If, like me, you are thinning on top and starting to get called names you would rather not hear then maybe it is time you started investigating everything available for you to help with this head balding problem.

I have found out that there have been many so called reasons that men and women lose their hair and some of the more mentioned reasons are our hereditary, aging or medically a hormonal imbalance.

It must be understood that hair loss medicine is not a cure-all product and you should be aware that there are a vast number of hair loss medicine brands on the market that are trying to get their share of this lucrative and expanding market, but it should be warned that any one on this path needs to take the time to consider what results they want and what they expect from the hair loss medicine they may take.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Female Hair Loss Treatment: Essentials You Need To Know

By Irina Thorton

Hair loss is a condition that is not exclusive to men. Women can suffer from hair loss, too. It is not easy though to look for the right female hair loss treatment. There are limited medical options but there are numerous supplements that claim to be able to solve female hair loss. This current state of female hair loss treatment options makes things difficult. Here are some reminders to help you find a good treatment.

Ruling Out

Make sure you know the cause of your condition before you choose a treatment. This will ensure that you get the right treatment specifically designed for your hair loss case. It is true that most hair loss cases among women is known as androgenetic alopecia and has something to do with genes and hormones but you could be part of the minority who needs a special kind of female hair loss treatment.

Alopecia Aratea - Among other kinds of female hair loss are alopecia aratea and traction alopecia. The former is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. The later condition is caused by tight braiding or hairstyling.

Other Factors - Other conditions that need special female hair loss treatment solutions may be caused by diseases such as diabetes, lupus and anemia. Hair loss can also be the result of certain medications such as those used in chemotherapy. Among some women the cause of temporary hair loss could be plain and simple stress. In any case, knowing the exact cause of your condition will protect you from blowing your money away on the wrong female hair loss treatment.

Remember the Pattern

One way to find out if you need female hair loss treatment for androgenetic alopecia which is the most common form of hair loss is to look at the pattern. Always remember that women with androgenetic alopecia do not look the same as men who have the same condition. Males may eventually lose a large portion of their hair, resulting in an obvious bald area or spot. Women however only manifest hair loss through a diffuse thinning. If you have hair loss that leads to bald patches, your condition might not be androgenetic alopecia. It is a sign that you need special female hair loss treatment.

Pick Between Two Modes

Choose between two modes of female hair loss treatment once you have determined the cause of your condition. You can either go for medical treatments or for natural ones. Medically, you can only really opt to have hair surgery or take the only FDA approved medication for female hair loss.

Other Options - There are far more options for natural hair loss treatments. Most product options however are labeled as supplements. They may require further scientific studies to prove their safety and effectiveness.


Know more about the alternative before using it. Perform your own research on the herbs and nutrients contained in the product of your choice. This will ensure that you do have the right ingredients to help you with your condition. Remember too that men and women have different systems. Some hair loss product ingredients for men may not be safe or advisable for women.

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