Is Balding Inevitable?

This question has been asked by many, many people over the years, both men and women.

The answer for many seems to be 'yes', but this does need need to be the case for everyone. Science can actually get some things right.

If, like me, you are thinning on top and starting to get called names you would rather not hear then maybe it is time you started investigating everything available for you to help with this head balding problem.

I have found out that there have been many so called reasons that men and women lose their hair and some of the more mentioned reasons are our hereditary, aging or medically a hormonal imbalance.

It must be understood that hair loss medicine is not a cure-all product and you should be aware that there are a vast number of hair loss medicine brands on the market that are trying to get their share of this lucrative and expanding market, but it should be warned that any one on this path needs to take the time to consider what results they want and what they expect from the hair loss medicine they may take.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Why Does Hair Loss Occur? The Reasons for Hair Loss

By Mark Todd

Do you suffer from chronic hair loss problems? Do you know why you are losing so much hair every time you brush your mane? Don't neglect it. Hair fall may be the side effect of some other ailment lurking underneath. It could also be caused by some incorrectly performed hair care regimen. How? Let's find out:

1. Hormonal imbalance: Androgens and estrogens are the male and female hormones. When they experience sudden change, their levels are thrown out of balance which is one of the major reasons for hair loss. An example of this is of a woman after child birth. High hormonal levels during pregnancy prevents hair fall, but a few months after child birth the hormonal level comes back to normal. It is not surprising that the woman will experience increased hair loss at this time.

2. Too strenuous hairstyling regimens - Chemical treatments of hair, including hair curling or straightening are often reasons for hair loss. Even using thick, strong rubber bands on your hair can cut off air supply to the roots, resulting in death of hair strands. Use of chemical dyes, hair straighteners, curlers and bleaches will also increase the rate of hair fall by stripping your tresses of vital nutrients.

3. Medications: Many drugs that we consume are responsible for the alarming rate in increase of hair fall. Medications for hypertension, depression, heart disease and arthritis cause weakening of hair roots and hair fall. The radiation treatment for cancer is also a reason for hair fall.

4. Malnutrition and stress - Malnutrition is one of the most important reasons for hair loss as well. This is because when you lack vital nutrients in your diet, your body fails to supply adequate nutrients to the hair roots, preventing growth of new hair.

5. Genetic reasons - Did your grandpa have a bald head by the time he reached 50? Be careful, because his genes are also in you. Genetic traits influence the level of male and female hormones in a person. This, in turn, directly influences the rate of hair fall in a person.

These are the principal reasons for hair loss that occur in people. Prevention of these causes and curing of the others can prevent hair loss to a great extent. The trick is to spot the actual reason for hair loss to occur and take it out of the picture.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Learn How To Prevet Hair Loss

By Irina Thorton

While some people say hair loss cannot be prevented, there are also some that say hair loss is preventable. What is the truth? Stopping hair loss may not always be possible for everyone. For some people though, it can be done. Here are some simple tips to help you prevent hair loss.

Take Care of Your Hair

Too Much Styling - You know how they say that hairstyling and the use of hair products cannot cause you to lose your hair. This may be partly true especially if you only have your hair done in regular but safe intervals. Too much bleaching, repeated coloring and rigorous drying however will definitely damage your hair. Among some people the scalp may be damaged as well, which may possibly cause some hair loss.

Choose your products well. Products that are too harsh and are not deemed safe for consumer use may cause untold damage to your hair. Prevent hair loss by not being too vain with your hair.

Watch Your Hairstyles

The Traction Alopecia Cause - One type of hair loss is known as traction alopecia. This is called such because the stress or traction placed on the hair strands may cause them to get uprooted from the scalp. This usually happens when you keep on sporting tight hairstyles like braids, corn rolls and pony tails. Your condition may get worse if the skin over which the hair strands was pulled from develops a scar. In this case, it may be difficult to prevent hair loss. The best thing to do to prevent hair loss from this cause is to alternate your hairstyles.

Eat Right and Exercise

Researches show that being deficient in some vitamins and minerals could lead to hair loss. You can prevent hair loss of this type by making sure that you always eat healthy and nutritious foods at least three times a day. You can't just stop her though. You have to make sure that the nutrients in your body reach their destinations. One way to do that and possibly prevent hair loss is through regular aerobic exercise. Swimming, running, walking, cycling and other similar activities will promote proper blood flow and nutrient distribution.

Vitamin Supplementation

Diet and the right food is not enough. You can't always prevent hair loss though by just attempting to eat right. Chances are, you may not always be able to get the right amount of nutrients in your body. You can make sure that you are not missing out on any essential nutrients by taking vitamin and mineral supplements.


Hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia is another story. You may have a harder time trying to prevent hair loss if you are suffering from a hair loss condition known as androgenetic alopecia. In this condition the DHT hormone causes the hair follicles to shrink, making new hair growth difficult. One way to prevent hair loss of this kind is to take medication. So far there are two medications approved for the treatment and prevention of male hair loss. There is one indicated for female use.

Herbs for Hair Loss

As with most other serious medications, those used to prevent hair loss may come with some side effects. If you would like to avoid dealing with these, you may want to go for herbs for hair loss. Saw palmetto is one option for men. It has been shown to be able to block DHT before it can do damage to hair follicles.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stress and Hair Loss: Are They Connected?

By Irina Thorton

Some of us seem to forget that the hair is still every bit a part of our human bodies. This means that it is always affected by whatever the entire body system undergoes. This has led a lot of people to think that there might be a connection between hair health and stress. Could it be possible that there is a link between stress and hair loss?

Hair Loss

The two main factors affecting hair loss are genetic and hormonal changes. This implies that stress has less of a role in majority of hair loss cases. Stress however can make hair loss worse among people who are already genetically predisposed to it. In people who do not have hair loss due to genes and hormones, stress may be the major causal factor.

Stress and Hair Loss

All experts agree that there is a strong link between hair loss and stress. There are of course different types of stressful experiences. A person could be either physically or emotionally stressed. Hair loss can happen when either of the two types of stress appears. In most cases though, it is a combination of physical and emotional factors that work together to bring about hair loss. Examples of conditions and situations where the connection between stress and hair loss is apparent include the following:

- Pregnancy and childbirth - Surgery - Severe illness - Accident or trauma - Difficult personal life conditions or environment - Mentally, physically or emotionally draining work - Worrying too much over financial status or situation

Telogen Effluvium

People who have both stress and hair loss in their lives may be suffering from a condition known as telogen effluvium. Under normal circumstances, we all have 80%-90% of our hair strands in the growing phase and the remaining portion in the resting phase. Eventually the resting hair strands will fall off. In people with both stress and hair loss there is an increase in the normal percentage of hair strands in the resting phase. This results in a noticeable increase in hair shedding. All of a sudden you may feel that there may be more strands of hair on your brush or pillow than normal.

Another school of though is that stress greatly affects our immune system which in turn, influences the health of hair. The link between stress and hair loss may become more evident when the immune system is weakened by stress. Some experts theorize that because of the stressful conditions, the immune system may suddenly turn against the body, attacking cells and tissues including the hair follicles. This results in increased hair shedding.


The solution is obvious when you are suffering both from stress and hair loss. Your first step would be to attempt to reduce stress or move away from a stressful situation. If you are severely ill for example, take time away from daily concerns to properly recuperate. If work is causing you a lot of stress, move away from it temporarily by having a vacation.

Learn to cope with the situation if you are unable to completely eliminate it. Reduce stress and hair loss by learning stress reduction techniques like meditation and progressive relaxation.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Female Hair Loss Treatment: Essentials You Need To Know

By Irina Thorton

Hair loss is a condition that is not exclusive to men. Women can suffer from hair loss, too. It is not easy though to look for the right female hair loss treatment. There are limited medical options but there are numerous supplements that claim to be able to solve female hair loss. This current state of female hair loss treatment options makes things difficult. Here are some reminders to help you find a good treatment.

Ruling Out

Make sure you know the cause of your condition before you choose a treatment. This will ensure that you get the right treatment specifically designed for your hair loss case. It is true that most hair loss cases among women is known as androgenetic alopecia and has something to do with genes and hormones but you could be part of the minority who needs a special kind of female hair loss treatment.

Alopecia Aratea - Among other kinds of female hair loss are alopecia aratea and traction alopecia. The former is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles. The later condition is caused by tight braiding or hairstyling.

Other Factors - Other conditions that need special female hair loss treatment solutions may be caused by diseases such as diabetes, lupus and anemia. Hair loss can also be the result of certain medications such as those used in chemotherapy. Among some women the cause of temporary hair loss could be plain and simple stress. In any case, knowing the exact cause of your condition will protect you from blowing your money away on the wrong female hair loss treatment.

Remember the Pattern

One way to find out if you need female hair loss treatment for androgenetic alopecia which is the most common form of hair loss is to look at the pattern. Always remember that women with androgenetic alopecia do not look the same as men who have the same condition. Males may eventually lose a large portion of their hair, resulting in an obvious bald area or spot. Women however only manifest hair loss through a diffuse thinning. If you have hair loss that leads to bald patches, your condition might not be androgenetic alopecia. It is a sign that you need special female hair loss treatment.

Pick Between Two Modes

Choose between two modes of female hair loss treatment once you have determined the cause of your condition. You can either go for medical treatments or for natural ones. Medically, you can only really opt to have hair surgery or take the only FDA approved medication for female hair loss.

Other Options - There are far more options for natural hair loss treatments. Most product options however are labeled as supplements. They may require further scientific studies to prove their safety and effectiveness.


Know more about the alternative before using it. Perform your own research on the herbs and nutrients contained in the product of your choice. This will ensure that you do have the right ingredients to help you with your condition. Remember too that men and women have different systems. Some hair loss product ingredients for men may not be safe or advisable for women.

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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Top Reason for Hair Loss

By Irina Thorton

It can be a real tragedy to lose one's hair. Afterall, it is man's crowning glory! If you are wondering why all of a sudden you notice more hair strands on your pillow than usual, your reason for hair loss might be any of these top causes.


Hormonal changes is the top reason for hair loss in an individual. In most cases is the hormone DHT which damages the hair follicles. This is naturally present in men and those who go bald do so because of both the hormone and their genes. In women, hormonal fluctuations could lead to lower than normal estrogen levels. Estrogen is supposed to balance and regulate DHT. With less estrogen, DHT has a stronger effect.

Severe Illness

Problem with Thyroids - A serious thyroid disorder could be your reason for hair loss. Aside form thyroid problems though, other severe illnesses such as high fever and infections could shock your system and cause your hair to temporarily fall out at a faster rate.

Nutrient Deficiency

Nutritional Deficiencies - As some studies would show, being deficient in some vitamins and minerals could be the reason for hair loss. Individuals who have diets low in protein and some B-complex vitamins may experience temporary hair loss. The lack of iron or the inability of the body to completely absorb iron may also cause your hair to shed faster. The only logical solution to this problem would be to eat right and take supplementation.


Medications - We all know that certain cancer treatment can cause massive hair loss. There are however, other medication types that could be the reason for hair loss. Some steroids and blood thinners are examples of these medicines.

Major Operation

One event that can be physically and emotionally traumatic for a person is undergoing an operation. A person could still continue losing hair even a month or more after the operation. Often though, a person will stop losing his hair as soon as he completely recuperates from the surgical procedure.


There are some sources that try to downplay stress as a cause for hair loss. Stressful situations however could lead to a condition called telogen effluvium. Constant and extreme bombardment of physical or emotional stress could push some of the hair strands in the growing phase prematurely into the resting phase. Eventually, these hair strands will begin to shed.


Another possible cause is ringworms that infect the scalp. This unsightly and uncomfortable reason for hair loss is a form of scalp infection.


The moderate or controlled use of hairstyling products does not cause hair loss. It is generally agreed upon though that using too much of these hair products and rigorous hair blow drying could damage the hair severely. In some people the main reason for hair loss would be certain hairstyles. Tight braiding and pony tailing could uproot hair strands. In severe cases, the scalp injury could develop scar tissue in which case it would be difficult to re-grow hair.

Auto-Immune Disorder

Alopecia aratea is a rare condition among individuals but it is still considered to be a possible major reason for hair loss. In this condition, the immune system mistakenly attacks the follicle cells. The attack damages the cells and causes hair loss.

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Vitamins for Hair Loss: Why You Should Take It

By Irina Thorton

Are vitamins for hair loss essential in preventing the condition? There has been a lot of talk lately about it. Some sources cite that vitamins for hair loss do not have much of an impact on the real causes of the condition. The truth is that vitamins may play a very crucial role in hair loss management.

Hair Loss

Hormonal Imbalance - It is true that most hair loss cases in both men and women are caused by genes and hormones. A person who is genetically predisposed to hair loss or baldness in men will eventually become sensitive to the hormonal actions that may bring about the condition. This genetic predisposition is formed as soon as your parent's cells meet in your mother's womb. At a certain time, the hormone DHT which causes hair loss will begin to bind to your follicle receptors which will lead to hair loss.

Anyone would probably think that no vitamins for hair loss can counter what is meant to be. It is a fact though that vitamin deficiency can lead to worse cases of hair loss. Studies do show that people who are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals do tend to shed their hair strands faster than normal.

Vitamin Intake

Right Food and Diet - Since we were little kids, we have often been taught that the best way to get healthy is to eat the right kinds of food packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is true that the best source of great vitamins is our food. The same goes for vitamins for hair loss. You can easily get lots of vitamins for hair loss by filling your daily diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

The sad thing is that these days, it is not so simple and easy to get the right vitamins for hair loss in every meal. Our difficult and fast-paced personal and work schedules make it difficult for us to eat full meals every time.

Various cooking and food storing methods also do not always guarantee the perfect preservation of vitamins for hair loss. The solution therefore would be to ensure that one always gets vitamin supplementation. In this way, one is always assured of getting the right supply of essential nutrients everyday.

Vitamin B6

One enduring member of the vitamins for hair loss group is vitamin B6, a water soluble vitamin. This vitamin is critical for blood metabolism. Being deficient in it would normally lead to some form of anemia. Others may also become at risk of diabetes. Incidentally, both anemia and diabetes are conditions that have been cited as possible causes of non genetic hair loss. No wonder studies show that vitamin B6 deficiency may lead to hair loss. Now if you are already a genetic candidate for hair loss, you don't want to make your condition even worse by being vitamin deficient.

Color and Quality of Hair - Taking B6 vitamins for hair loss is supposed to enhance the quality and color of your hair. Moreover, vitamin B6 is also important for circulatory and immune health. Good blood flow and a fully functional internal defense system are of course necessary to promote hair health.

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Vitamins for Hair Loss in Women: Does It Work?

By Irina Thorton

Can vitamins for hair loss in women work? Lately, there has been an ongoing debate on whether or not vitamins can help prevent or stop hair loss in women. What is the real score here? Is preventing hair loss as simple as eating a good diet and taking vitamins for hair loss in women?

Androgenetic Alopecia

This is a common cause of hair loss. Majority of both men and women who lose their hair have andorgenetic alopecia. In this condition, the hormone DHT binds itself to the hair follicles and damages them. The condition is especially marked in those who are genetically predisposed to hair loss. Since genes and hormones are the main factors in this form of hair loss, some individuals have stopped seeing vitamins as a factor that can prevent hair loss.

Contributing Factors

If your condition is caused by androgenetic alopecia, vitamins for hair loss in women don't really have much of an effect. They are however still necessary to address the contributory factors that can make hair loss worse in women. It is generally known that aside from genes and hormones, female hair loss can be made worse by stress, trauma, emotional distress and serious illness. The only way to fight these contributory factors is through vitamins for hair loss in women.

What Vitamins Can Do

Essentially, vitamins for hair loss in women are perfect for keeping your present hair healthy, strong and free from damage and dryness. Vitamins also keep the entire scalp and the follicles properly nourished to encourage new hair growth. Although vitamins for hair loss in women can be found in nutritious foods, it still makes a lot of sense to get some extra boost from vitamin supplements. These can help supply whatever we lack from food intake.

Vitamins for Hair Loss in Women

There are several vitamins for hair loss in women to choose from. Here are some of the most important ones.

- Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)- This is a B-vitamin that has a crucial role in the metabolism of protein. It is also a known antioxidant that can help sweep the body clean of harmful free radicals. Its role in hair health seems to focus more on the restoration or maintenance of hair color. Along with some other vitamins for hair loss in women, this one helps prevent your hair from graying prematurely. PABA can be found in whole grain foods and liver.

- This Biotin- This is another member of the B-complex group of vitamins. It plays a role in fat, protein and carbohydrates metabolism. Just like PABA, it is also crucial for the maintenance of hair color. Moreover, it also promotes hair growth, strength and thickness. Various studies have shown that a deficiency in biotin can result in some hair loss. Vitamins for hair loss in women like biotin can be found in milk, whole grain, egg yolk and liver. This vitamin however can be destroyed by over heating and the process of canning so it is best to always eat fresh or take supplementation.

- B6 Vitamin - This powerhouse vitamin can work wonders on the immune, circulatory and nervous systems. Like other vitamins for hair loss in women belonging to the B-complex family, this one also helps maintain hair color and strength. This vitamin can be found in bananas, liver and avocados.

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Herbal Hair Loss Treatment: Deal with Hair Loss the Natural Way

By Irina Thorton

You may not be able to afford a surgical hair transplant procedure. You may also not like the idea of popping synthetic chemicals in your body. If this is so, then the best solution for you would be to look for a good herbal hair loss treatment.


Why would natural treatment be the best option? There are a couple of good reasons.

Targets Root Cause - There are natural treatments for men that can effectively work on DHT, the main cause of hair loss. Some herbal ingredients can block DHT or the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which is responsible for DHT production.

Hair-Nourishing Functions - Aside from an herbal hair loss treatment's blocking properties, it also has nourishing functions. Most natural solutions have additional nutrient content that can keep your scalp and hair strong and healthy. This is good news for people who also tend to temporarily shed hair due to such body system weakening factors as stress and vitamin deficiency. In an herbal product you have both a blocker and a nourishing treatment.

Safe - One other major reason why a lot of people choose to use an herbal hair loss treatment is because of safety. An all natural product is not invasive like a surgical procedure. It also generally does not have any side effects. Taking a product with naturally occurring ingredients reduces the risks inherent in some medical solutions.

Discreet - A major attraction for the use of an herbal hair loss treatment is that nobody has to know that you are losing your hair and you are looking for a solution to it. A safe and effective herbal product can be purchased securely online without a prescription. With just a click of a mouse, you can place an order and wait for the product to be delivered to your doorstep. No more embarrassing doctor visits and no questions asked.


Even though there are a lot of effective and safe products to use, you should still carefully choose your herbal hair loss treatment. Here are some things that you would have to remember before buying a product.

Female Use - Not all herbal products are safe for female use. Some ingredients in some hair loss products are believed to be potentially and especially harmful to fetuses. Make sure you do some research on safe ingredients.

Allergies - If you have known allergies, it is always safer to be cautious with your product choice. You could have some rare herbal hair loss treatment ingredient allergy. If you are not sure whether an ingredient can trigger an allergy attack, consult your doctor.

Online Scams - You should also take the extra precaution to check for herbal hair loss treatment product scams. It is a sad but true fact that some so called natural treatments are out there but do not really provide any real results. You can easily check for scams by performing a scam search on a search engine. You can also read reviews on a product to check if other consumers find it effective.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Losing Hair, As Natural As Shedding Skin.

By RicMoon II

Definition of losing hair- Losing hair should not be considered a curse, the process of hair loss is just as natural as shedding skin. The hair growth cycle consists out of three phases namely growth, rest and last but not least the hair shedding. Your problems start at the end of the growth cycle when hair has fallen out but re-growth has not started in the open follicles.

Hair structure- The hair structure is divided into four parts namely shaft, root, follicle and bulb with keratin as the main ingredient. Hair colour is derived from the bulb area.

Causes- Hair loss is caused by numerous factors including childbirth, medication, chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, surgery, stress, diseases such as thyroid under or over activity, birth control pills, dietary deficiency, infections and alopecia.

Treatments- A vast variety of treatments are available, ranging from prescribed to natural. Treatment will be highly dependant upon type of hair loss suffered. The only cause of loss that has no known cure is Androgenic alopecia. However wonderfully effective treatments are available. Temporary loss will cease as soon as the cause stops. If the loss is caused by some kind infection antibiotic treatment will be required.

Alternatives- Luckily, suffers can effectively hide their problem with wigs and hairpieces. Hair transplantation is another popular treatment alternative. The process involves harvesting of healthy hair and placing into loss areas. Transplantation is recommended if you prefer a natural appearance. Lace front wigs made from Asian or Indian human hair are also very natural looking.

Hair care- Proper hair care plays an essential role in prevention and treatment of the loss. Use baby shampoo instead of harsh shampoos such as anti-dandruff variants. Pat hair dry with a towel. Avoid vigorous rubbing, blow and air drying. Be very careful with chemical treatment usage as it may be the cause of your problem and have the potential of increasing the loss.

Consult with your physician- Please consult with your physician should the loss worsens or if you are unable to pinpoint cause. Your physician will diagnose and treat the condition with great efficacy.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tigi Hair Care Products

By Jennifer Summers

The Tigi ranges of hair products are some of the funkiest urban ranges of hair products you can get. With ranges to suit all needs for the young and cool fashionista, you're guaranteed to find the right product to get a truly great style that you are looking for. Choose from Tigi Bed Head, Tigi Bed Head Body, Tigi Catwalk and Tigi S-factor.

Tigi Bed Head Tigi Bed Head Styling: - Funk up or spike your hair! Add texture and shine. Tigi Bed Head Styling is the ideal range for creating the style. Tigi Bed Head Shampoo: - With a shampoo to suit every hair type, and a great selection of shampoos to choose from, choose Tigi's Bed Head range, for clean and great smelling hair. Tigi Bed Head Conditioner: - It's never been easier to treat your hair and pamper it to a healthy and radiant condition, with Tigi Bed Head conditioners.

Tigi Bed Head Body Papayarazzi Body Wash: - This Papaya scented wash will leave skin soft, gently cleansed and smelling truly exotic! This luxurious body lotion has a sweet papaya fragrance. Creamy Dreamy Orange Body Lotion: - The motion of this lotion will hydrate your skin from head to toe with the creamiest, dreamiest scent in the universe. It's not heaven; it's your body. Papayarazzi Body Lotion: - Lavish this hydrating lotion onto skin for a sumptuous moisturising treat. This luxurious body lotion has a scrumptious papaya fragrance.

Tigi Catwalk Tigi Catwalk Styling: - Keep your hair up to date with the latest style. You can have the style and the look you want with the Tigi Catwalk Styling range. Tigi Catwalk Shampoo: - Let your hair shine and be the envy of all your friends. Get great-looking healthy hair every day with Tigi Catwalk Shampoo. Tigi Catwalk Conditioner: - Tame that sexy main and let it shine. Give it the condition it deserves and keep your hair looking super sexy with Tigi Catwalk Conditioner.

Tigi S-factor Tigi S-factor Conditioner: - Get the knots out! Smooth and you're your hair with this fantastic range of conditioners made especially for frizzy or damaged hair, or fine, dry or coloured hair! Tigi S-factor Styling: - Change your hair style day in and day out with these easy to carry, nutrient-filled treatments. Tigi S-factor Shampoo: - Re-strengthen and fully cleanse your coloured, dry or frizzy hair with these premium quality treatments made especially for you and your hair.

Having great hair is easy when you have the right products. And finding the right products is easy when you have a company like TIGI doing all of the hard work for you. Tigi is 'the rage' and the latest fashion choice of hair products for young and funky urban people today. Find the nearest Tigi stockist to you, and try out their fabulous products. You'll be glad you did.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cheap High Street Hair Care Products a False Economy?

By Jennifer Summers

If you pride yourself on having clean and healthy looking hair, looking after your locks is a top priority. So using good shampoos, conditioners and hair care products on your hair is important. But when it comes to price and the quality of hair care products, how do you know which hair products to use?

Comparing hair care products on cost alone, high street hair products may seem cheaper and a better buy, giving the impression of providing more value because of their low cost. Professional salon products on the other hand may seem expensive with a typical 300ml bottle priced around $20/GBP10, 5 times the price of the average high street hair products at an average cost of $4/GBP2.

When you weigh up cheap hair care products and professional salon hair care products and compare them on price alone, cheaper hair care products seem to be far and away the obvious choice, costing 1/5th the price of salon products, giving you what appears to be 5 times the amount of product for the same money.

When you look more closely at the comparison between the effectiveness and the quality of high street hair products and salon hair products, does the comparison end up in the favour of cheap hair care products, or do the cheaper high street products turn out to be a false economy?

To discover which in the long term out of cheap hair care products from the high street and professional salon hair care products proved the best value for money, we decided to test the products to find out how the high street hair products compare with the salon professional hair products.

In our test we compared a 300ml bottle of an average high street shampoo, and an equivalent 300ml bottle of salon professional shampoo. The high street shampoo needed about 50ml per application to clean the hair to our required standard, whereas the salon shampoo needed only 10ml per application to clean the hair to the same required standard.

Needing 50ml per application, a 300ml bottle of cheap high street shampoo would give you about 6 applications. But using only 10ml per application, the professional hair care shampoo gives you approximately 30 applications in a 300ml bottle. Comparing the prices, the price per application of the professional salon shampoo is $0.66c/GBP0.33p per application, and the cheap average high street shampoo worked out at $0.64c/GBP0.32p per application.

Conclusion: although cheap hair care products initially seem a better deal and provide more value, in reality there is virtually no difference in price when it comes to the economics of professional salon hair care products. And? when you include the much higher quality, the greater effectiveness and visual results, and the deeper and more thorough cleansing and conditioning of salon hair care products, buying cheaper high street hair products in favour of salon hair products is a complete false economy.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Causes of greasy hair, and best products/shampoo for greasy hair

By Jennifer Summers

Greasy hair can look oily and dull, and have a lank and lifeless appearance. It can look flat and heavy, and it never seems to stay clean and fresh. It takes on a stringy appearance within a few hours of shampooing and refuses to stay full and fluffy. Does this describe your hair? Do you ask the question, why is my hair greasy? Greasy hair can cause social embarrassment as others may judge that the sufferer has poor hygiene and does not wash their hair frequently enough, even if they actually wash it every day.

Grease found in greasy hair is natural body oil called sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous gland. Each hair has a sebaceous gland immediately under the skin. Greasy hair is healthy hair as the oil (sebum) is produced to stop each hair strand from drying and to stop the ends splitting. Sebum is produced by the body to lubricate hair and skin and prevents drying by providing a protective barrier. Sebum is your own built-in moisturizer for the body.

Greasy hair is actually an excess of sebum in hair which is a result of overactive sebaceous glands over-producing sebum, stimulated by hormones known as androgens. Although they are present in both men and women, androgens are male hormones and are higher in men. Androgens do two things: One, they increase the size of sebaceous glands in the skin. Two, they cause the sebaceous glands to increase the production of oil.

Fluctuating hormones can cause greasy as hormones play a part in sebum production. Greasy hair is most common in women because of either pregnancy or monthly cycle, older women going through the menopause, and teenagers experiencing puberty. Stress can be a contributory factor in greasy hair as it is known to affect hormones levels. People with fine hair on their head may experience excessive greasy hair as they have more hair follicles and more sebaceous glands producing more sebum.

There are several external causes of greasy hair. Washing your hair too frequently can cause more sebum to be produced as frequent washing can strip the hair of oils, to combat this sebaceous glands excrete sebum. Sebaceous glands can be stimulated through vigorous scrubbing of the hair and scalp while washing. Touching your hair can also stimulate sebaceous glands, along with vigorous hair brushing which carries oil throughout the hair. The over-use of styling products can cause hair to look greasy as the products can build-up at the roots. Everyday environmental pollutants can also cause hair to look greasy.

There can also be a number of internal causes of greasy hair. I have already mentioned fluctuating hormone levels; however one of the leading causes when it comes to causes of greasy hair is your diet. Diets in the Western world are typically much greasier, higher in fat and sugar, processed and contain additives, the high fat content increasing levels of oil in the skin, potentially causing greasy hair. A diet that is low in vitamin B can also be a cause of greasy hair, along with the hormones often found in the meat of Western diets which can add to unbalanced hormones.

The secret of how to treat, cure, prevent and avoid greasy hair is to treat it from both the outside, and the inside. For the outside: avoid brushing your hair too frequently, and when you brush avoid brushing your hair vigorously. When you wash your hair, the best shampoo for greasy hair is a mild-ph extra cleansing/clarifying shampoo that is formulated for greasy hair. Avoid moisturizing shampoos as they can leave some oil in your hair to protect against dryness. When washing your hair, avoid scrubbing your hair and scalp vigorously, lightly massage your hair and scalp instead.

For a more thorough cleanse, leave the shampoo in for about 5 minutes. You can always rinse your hair and shampoo a second time. How often you need to wash your hair is down to you. Ideally you should wash your hair 1-2 times per week. To find what is right for you, begin washing daily and then reduce the frequency to find your ideal balance of oil production and washing. If you plan to use a conditioner on your hair, apply the conditioner to the mid and ends of you hair only, and be sure to use a conditioner made for greasy hair. If you are using a hairdryer for hair styling don't let the dryer get too hot, heat can cause the production of more oil.

With the inside: do all that you can to reduce and eliminate any and all stress. In your diet, consider using a vitamin B supplement. Make sure you eat plenty of whole grains, seeds, nuts, leafy green vegetables, salads and fresh fish. Reduce the amount of fatty foods that you eat, avoiding greasy, fried and fatty foods as much as possible. Reduce the number of white flour based foods in your diet, foods like pastries, pasta and bread. Lastly, avoid sugar and sugary foods like biscuits, cakes and soft drinks.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

How Does Aging Affect Your Hair?

By Jennifer Summers

The changing colour of our hair is the most obvious sign of aging. As we get older our hair begins to produce less melanin, the same melanin that gives our skin its colour. This causes our hair to become grey. Grey hair can appear at any age. It's not always a sign of aging, it's caused by a reduction of pigment (grey hair) or a complete loss of pigment (white hair), and the reason it happens is not fully understood.

Aging also affects our hair in other ways. As we age our hair is prone to becoming drier, and so requires more moisture than ever before. Older hair also loses some of its elasticity and the texture changes. Some women will notice that their hair becomes thinner and lacks life, for others it appears dry and coarse. This happens because as we age, the size of the hair follicles diminish and hair growth slows. As a result there is not so much new growth to replace what we lose.

Sebum (oil produced naturally by our skin) diminishes as our body ages, and so our hair, therefore, loses its natural shine and smoothness. Plus, during the menopause our making of keratin slows. This protein fibre is vital to keeping our hair healthy and strong. For all you guys, there is the subject of going bald, thinning hair and coarse hair, especially the facial hair. Opt for the right type of hair colour to disguise your grey hair, but don't go more than a couple of shades darker or lighter than your own hair colour. If you use a dark colour it can accentuate a dull complexion.

If you wish to keep your grey, try to use a hair shampoo and conditioner that is targeted specially for grey hair. Grey hair can look yellow or greenish on a number of people. To neutralize the yellow colour and leave your hair shiny and good-looking, try using a greying shampoo that has a violet based colour, instead of your usual shampoo. Highlights or lowlights can camouflage any grey you want to mask by blending them into the rest of your hair. The same with hair colourants, keep away from going more than a couple of shades lighter than your own hair colour to steer clear of looking older than you really are.

As the years go by your hair loses its elasticity and then it becomes more difficult to style, so try opting for a protein treatment to use once a month to support your hair. For both women and men, thinning hair can be given a more voluminous look by using volumizing products such as conditioners and mousses. Apply a weekly deep conditioning treatment - that is recommended for aging hair. Moisturizing (conditioning) your hair is a necessity as we get older. This will preserve the moisture levels in your hair.

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Dry Hair: How to care for and treat Dry Hair

By Jennifer Summers

The look of your hair is the one attribute of the body over which you can have direct control. You can alter the length, shape, colour and style of your hair according to the age you wish to appear, and the monetary and social standing you want to assert. The style, length and condition of hair all play a part in how we perceive the people we meet. If you are to get the greatest possible results from your hair care practice, you need to opt for the right hair shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. We can identify hair that is in first-class condition. It is easy to manage and it shines, - it just looks great.

Your hair is dry if: * it feels dry or rough * it tangles effortlessly * it is hard to comb or brush * it looks lifeless * it has been chemically treated (permed, bleached or colored) * it is likely to have split ends * it is dry and coarse. You should select a shampoo and conditioner that is targeted at dry hair if your symptoms match any of the above pointers. Dry hair is hair that does not hold an adequate amount of moisture. This is more often than not because the cuticle has become worn and permeable, so that the cortex cannot keep hold of water. It shows signs more often in long hair, because the hair has been growing for a greater length of time and has therefore weathered more. It is more general in females than in males, for the reason that women more often wear their hair long. The dryness can influence more of the hair if it is given repetitive chemical treatments, such as perming and bleaching/colouring.

Wage war on the damage from the use of heat-styling, environmental pollution, chemical treatments and colouring. Deep-condition your hair often. Keep your hair shiny and strong by replenishing lost moisture. Use quality products and wash your hair often. Moisturizing Shampoos and Conditioners are the correct products - Ideal for very dry hair. Restoring lost moisture from blow-drying.

And essentially - do not forget to condition it well. Leave-in Conditioners and Re-constructive detanglers are the correct products to use. A light leave-in conditioner is great for creating shine and body to straight hair and for taming. Have the ends cut regularly by a skilled stylist, so as to prevent weathering effects such as split ends.

In a normal, undamaged hair shaft, very little water can get either into or out of the cortex. This is because the cuticle covering the cortex is intact. But if hair is processed too many times the cuticle scales may never return to their original tightness and the protection they once offered is lost. Over-porous hair is dry, and tends to develop split ends. The damaged cuticle is fragile, and the damage worsens as time goes by. Dry hair feels dry. It does not shine and is difficult to style. It responds to intensive conditioning, however. Careful brushing, drying and combing after washing are important.

Look for a bottle that says: Moisturizing or Replenishing. It is prepared to be kind to dry, damaged hair. These hair shampoos are heavier on the moisturizing constituents, sometimes leaving a very thin film of conditioners on the hair to help keep it silky and smooth. They work best on dry, frizzy, damaged hair.

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Information about Thin Hair and Hair Loss

By Jennifer Summers

Talking about hair loss with your GP is an important first step. For millions of people world-wide, each day is a "bad hair" day due to the predicament of thinning hair or hair loss. There are a variety of treatments offered these days that make hair loss or thinning hair easier to live with. Distressing situations and heredity can be the reason for hair thinning and loss and can also be caused by hormonal fluctuations, excessive physical force or poor nutrition. Alopecia is a worry not only experienced by men but by an increasing number of women, it is the disproportionate and abnormal loss of strong hair. While these factors can concern both men and women, hair thinning and loss usually happens for:

Men A thinning crown or receding hair line is the most common pattern of hair loss. Hair loss occurs due to the presence of a derivative or by-product of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone can shrink the hair follicles and has a greater effect in the mid-anterior scalp and temples. Some types of male hair loss are:Acute diffuse alopecia - occurs from physical or psychological factors such as hormones, nutritional deficiencies or medications.Chronic Diffuse Alopecia - can occur due to nutritional, metabolic or endocrine issues. Androgenetic Alopecia - occurs due to genetic sensitivity to male hormones. This rarely affects women.

Women Most cases of hair thinning and loss are as a result of hormonal fluctuations, ie during pregnancy, childbirth or use of some methods of birth control. Women can also experience: Anagen effluvium - occurs due to chemotherapy. The matrix of the hair becomes damaged and, as a result, the hair shaft will narrow, eventually fracturing. Traction alopecia - caused by severe hairstyles, such as ponytails that are too tight, braiding, cornrows or the frequent use of extensions. These procedures pull at hair over a period of time but loss can be prevented if recognized and treated early.

You can minimize or even stop hair thinning or loss, if you identify the symptoms early enough, by using a variety of pharmacy or store treatments such as: a). A weekly use, leave-in scalp treatment made with essential oils - oils such as lavender and orange will relax and unblock hair follicles to promote growth, regulate oil production and maintain cell repair. b). Daily vitamin supplement - look for ones labelled especially for hair and/or nails and are fortified with Vitamin B3 (niacin), this protects the hair shaft, and antioxidants, to ward off damage from free radicals. c). Use a hair shampoo that has "energizing/revitalizing/fortifying/" on the label. This type of hair shampoo will feed and protect your existing hair whilst eliminating oils that can block the follicles and prevent re-growth. Allow approximately 6-8 weeks before expecting to see any firm results. Like any treatment, results can vary and may to need to be used on a prolonged basis.

Methods to disguise thinning hair and hair loss: Perhaps it is time to think of some techniques to hide your hair loss if you are unhappy with your thinning hair. Whether you are a man or a woman losing hair due to heredity, stress, medication or a medical condition you can use these tips to help you cope. Use a Specific Thickening Shampoo or Conditioner for your Hair Using a specific hair thickening shampoo and/or conditioner that is intended to conceal hair loss by ensuring the hair appears to be thicker and more voluminous. After shampooing and conditioning make sure that you brush your hair gently to halt the loss of more hair. Before combing or brushing your hair permit it to dry thoroughly.

Styling Techniques If your hair is not as thick as it once was, there are a number of hair styling methods and hair styling products that can be employed to keep your hair looking its best at any age. Try to avoid hair gels as they only matte your hair and highlight your hair loss. Instead use hair texturizing creams and lotions that give you volume and fullness. Another good option is to use a leave-in hair conditioner that can make your hair emerge more textured and fuller. For a fuller look try blow drying your hair - For hair that is getting thin on top, try blow drying after you have washed and conditioned, then comb your hair in front directly back. Use mousse or a light hair spray to maintain the style. The blow drying will stop your hair from matting together and looking thinner.

Add Extensions to your Hair Extensions are an easy way for women and men with long thick hair to hide the fact that they are losing some. Use a salon for getting natural human hair added to your hair. This can last for several weeks to several months.

Blow-dry your Hair Consider blow drying if your hair is thinning on top to give it added texture and body and to give your head more coverage. Brush it into a quiff on top of your head by brushing it from the forehead up. Maintain the style with a little hairspray. If your hair is thinning throughout, this is a good way to make your hair look fuller. Guys -Get a Buzz Cut Sports stars, actors, and businessmen all use the buzz cut as a way to hide the fact that they are losing hair. It is a popular, classy style that is easy to maintain. Buy yourself a wet-dry electric razor to groom your scalp daily and remove the hairs you have left for a clean look. If you're stressed about losing your hair or if your hair is starting to thin, visit your barber or hairdresser and ask for advice on a new hairstyle. There are plenty of styles to select that will allow you to look your very best.

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Severe Recessions Cause Hair Loss

By Brian Bourn

An international men's magazine recently published an article about how the current recession has actually had an impact by increasing the incidents of hair loss over the norm. This is a very weird correlation and by right should not be related at all. It will be this strange relationship that we will be investigating in this article.

Many factors that the recession has on people have been analyzed and one determining factor stands out as the most probable culprit in causing hair loss during recessions. This is stress. The type of stress that has shown to be the most "damaging" is one where there are high levels of anxiety about the future. The recession and the associated uncertainty that it brings makes it one of the best catalysts for stress to occur and its side-effects like hair loss to happen. The problem is that we as humans just don't deal with stress very well. It is only in this age that we are faced with such mounting levels of stress. Previously in simpler times, stress was really very minimal. It is because of this huge level of stress that our body's immunities, basic function and even hair starts to degrade or even fail.

Although some people are more susceptible to stress than others, the affects of stress can definitely cause hair loss. The recession affects most people negatively and many workers or business owners who aren't sure of their future are often subjected to extremely high levels of stress which will then propagate and develop into a hair loss condition. The thing is that hair loss caused by stress does not affect the sexes differently. Both men and women are equally susceptible to it.

The stress component is magnified when people are subjected to the stress on a daily basis. Further research by the magazine has shown that those people exposed to daily bouts of high stress are much more likely to experience the side-effects of it like hair loss. It was demonstrated that stress actually builds on itself, sort of like a plane in a spiral spin downwards. The best way to not develop the bad side-effects of stress is to settle whatever problem that is causing the stress in the first place.

The worst thing about the recession or something as big as that is that you have almost completely no control over it, so you can't exactly "solve the problem". Your worries about your future are cannot be easily solved and the only way to deal with this stress is to take it in your stride and basically take it easy. You can even consider some relaxation exercises or some simple activities that we will outline below.

One of the all time best natural stress busters available is simply exercise. Some people who are stressed out find it hard to think of other things and even avoid exercise so they can think of a way to get themselves out of the situation they are in. With things like the recession where you can't really do much about, you have to learn to not obsess about the problem and start to pro-actively manage your stress so that you don't become the next victim of hair loss.

After you have cleared your head with the exercise you can then set your mind to deal with the challenges ahead which cause you this stress. This should include any of the worst case scenarios that you might face like redundancies or even bankruptcy at the worst. You should document all the different possibilities and also think of solutions for all the possible possibilities. That way you will have all your bases covered and you will be able to reduce your stress levels because you have planned for all the different scenarios.

Overall, the additional hair loss that people experience in the recession is almost 100% caused by stress and most probably the mismanagement of it. If you feel stressed you must take the reins and try manage it so that you aren't exposed to additional stress. Never obsess about the recession and look at it systematically and define all the different options that you have. That is the best way to avoid hair loss in this recession.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Hair Loss Medicine

There have been many stated reasons as to why men lose their hair and some of the noted reasons include hereditary, aging or a hormonal imbalance. These can be impacted upon in different ways which means it is vital for any man who is worried about balding to seek out the right hair loss medicine for his condition. Hair loss medicine is not a cure-all or catch-all product and there are a vast number of hair loss medicine brands that are trying to get a share of this lucrative and expanding market, but any user needs to take the time to consider what results they want and what they expect from the hair loss medicine they take

It has been said in some quarters that certain brands of hair loss medicine have been proven to have a success rate of over 85%, which would be an outstanding return for any sort of product, let alone a hair loss medicine product. For years, a vast number of men have been worried by their receding hair-lines or their descent into baldness and the search for a hair loss medicine to prevent male baldness has been cast far and wide.

When a person is becoming bald, it is inevitably due to the hair follicle diminishing in size or becoming smaller. What the successful hair loss medicine product attempts to do is halt this miniaturization of the hair in it tracks and to stimulate blood vessel activity and hair growth. Many types of hair loss medicine will claim to work in a variety of different ways but the most successful of hair loss medicine brands will be the ones that actively target the known causes of male baldness.

The best brands of hair loss medicine actively attack the imbalance that has caused the increasing baldness in a man and a genuine hair loss medicine is able to compensate for any imbalance that has occurred.

Even if a man notices a positive change in his amount of hair which can be attributed to the use of a hair loss medicine brings some success to a man, there can be known side effects which also arise from the use of the product. One of the most common side effects of using hair loss medicine is an itchiness of the scalp and many men are aware that after using a hair loss medicine for a period of time, they notice this side effect. However, if the hair loss medicine is doing its job correctly, this is a small inconvenience for a man to pay and they will gladly take a small side effect if the main goal of using a hair loss medicine is achieved.

With so many men actively seeking a Male Hair Loss loss medicine product that will provide them with a full head of hair, there can be little surprise about the size of the hair loss medicine market or of the amount of hair loss medicine products that are on the market in the modern day and age.

This Article is Originally Published here: