Is Balding Inevitable?

This question has been asked by many, many people over the years, both men and women.

The answer for many seems to be 'yes', but this does need need to be the case for everyone. Science can actually get some things right.

If, like me, you are thinning on top and starting to get called names you would rather not hear then maybe it is time you started investigating everything available for you to help with this head balding problem.

I have found out that there have been many so called reasons that men and women lose their hair and some of the more mentioned reasons are our hereditary, aging or medically a hormonal imbalance.

It must be understood that hair loss medicine is not a cure-all product and you should be aware that there are a vast number of hair loss medicine brands on the market that are trying to get their share of this lucrative and expanding market, but it should be warned that any one on this path needs to take the time to consider what results they want and what they expect from the hair loss medicine they may take.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stress and Hair Loss: Are They Connected?

By Irina Thorton

Some of us seem to forget that the hair is still every bit a part of our human bodies. This means that it is always affected by whatever the entire body system undergoes. This has led a lot of people to think that there might be a connection between hair health and stress. Could it be possible that there is a link between stress and hair loss?

Hair Loss

The two main factors affecting hair loss are genetic and hormonal changes. This implies that stress has less of a role in majority of hair loss cases. Stress however can make hair loss worse among people who are already genetically predisposed to it. In people who do not have hair loss due to genes and hormones, stress may be the major causal factor.

Stress and Hair Loss

All experts agree that there is a strong link between hair loss and stress. There are of course different types of stressful experiences. A person could be either physically or emotionally stressed. Hair loss can happen when either of the two types of stress appears. In most cases though, it is a combination of physical and emotional factors that work together to bring about hair loss. Examples of conditions and situations where the connection between stress and hair loss is apparent include the following:

- Pregnancy and childbirth - Surgery - Severe illness - Accident or trauma - Difficult personal life conditions or environment - Mentally, physically or emotionally draining work - Worrying too much over financial status or situation

Telogen Effluvium

People who have both stress and hair loss in their lives may be suffering from a condition known as telogen effluvium. Under normal circumstances, we all have 80%-90% of our hair strands in the growing phase and the remaining portion in the resting phase. Eventually the resting hair strands will fall off. In people with both stress and hair loss there is an increase in the normal percentage of hair strands in the resting phase. This results in a noticeable increase in hair shedding. All of a sudden you may feel that there may be more strands of hair on your brush or pillow than normal.

Another school of though is that stress greatly affects our immune system which in turn, influences the health of hair. The link between stress and hair loss may become more evident when the immune system is weakened by stress. Some experts theorize that because of the stressful conditions, the immune system may suddenly turn against the body, attacking cells and tissues including the hair follicles. This results in increased hair shedding.


The solution is obvious when you are suffering both from stress and hair loss. Your first step would be to attempt to reduce stress or move away from a stressful situation. If you are severely ill for example, take time away from daily concerns to properly recuperate. If work is causing you a lot of stress, move away from it temporarily by having a vacation.

Learn to cope with the situation if you are unable to completely eliminate it. Reduce stress and hair loss by learning stress reduction techniques like meditation and progressive relaxation.

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